Mumbai Pune trains trains will be cancelled - short terminated - diverted July 26th to August 9th 2019
Important trains linking Mumbai and Pune including the Deccan Express and Pragati Express will be cancelled for a fortnight from July 26 to August 9 to enable Central Railway (CR) address the problem of falling boulders in the treacherous Lonavala-Khandala ghats sections, an official said in Mumbai on Wednesday. Trains Between Mumbai-Pune Cancelled For 2 Weeks Over Restoration Work The Central Railway will take up a massive restoration work to ensure the problem of toppling boulders and minor landslides, which becomes widespread during heavy rain, is resolved. 2019/7/30 24-07-2019 Cancellation / Short Termination / Diversion of Trains between Mumbai and Pune Central Railway Press Release Cancellation / Short Termination / Diversion of Trains between Mumbai and Pune The services were disrupted due to cases of boulder falling in South-East G...