Naneghat soon to be charges 08.07.2019

*Naneghat Update*

Main Forest Entrance Fee - INR 5/person

Parking - No parking Fee at the smaller spot to right side of d road and INR 100 if parked at d larger left parking spot.

Naneghat Entrance Fee - INR 5/person

As of yesterday, there was no one at both the entrances at the bottom and top to collect these fees however as per locals, the forest officials will be starting it from coming weekend.

Huge Garbage dumps are available at the top of Naneghat entrance n plateau to dispose of any waste that have collected on the route.

A single mobile washroom is available at the left Parking lot and rooms can be opened for changing upon request with the local vendors there.

Count: There were approx. 300-500 trekkers in the route and weekend crowd of more than 2000 on top of the plateau.

Not much garbage or nuisance encountered this time in this trek. -- ramblers india team. 7.7.2019

नाणेघाट पहायला जाताय तर आवश्य एकदा वाचा.
      नाणेघाट व किल्ले जीवधन यांचे पावित्र्य राखण्यासाठी व अतिउत्साही, मद्यपान व धांगडधिंगा करून पर्यावरण दुषीत करणा-या पर्यटकांवर आळा बसण्यासाठी संयुक्त वनव्यवस्थापन समिती घाटघर व समस्त ग्रामस्थ घाटघर व वनविभाग जुन्नर यांच्या मार्फत नाणेघाट येथे टोलनाक्याचे लवकरच उद्रघाटनाचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. ग्रामस्थांनी गावच्या विकासासाठी व पर्यावरणाच्या काळजीपोटी व गावातील तरूणांना रोजगाराची संधी उपलब्ध करून देण्यासाठी अतिशय स्तुत्य उपक्रम हाती घेतला त्याबद्दल खुप खुप अभिनंदन.

information via
Junnar Taluka निसर्गरम्य जुन्नर तालुका

--google translate---
If you are looking for Naneghat, you must read it once.
      For organizing the sanctity of Naneghat and forts, and to prevent the environmental degradation due to hysteria, drinking and fencing, joint ventilation committee will be organized at Ghatghar and the entire Village Ghatghar and Forest Department Junnar at Naneghat soon. Very much congratulations about the villagers taking initiatives undertaken by the villagers to provide livelihood opportunities for the development of villages and the environment and to provide employment opportunities to the youth of the village.


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