52-year-old trekker from Nashik died on Sunday at Malshej Ghat 21 Mar 2023
According to the Pune rural police, a group of around 20 trekkers from Nashik had come to the Malshej area. They planned a trek from Malshej ghat to Chordara ghat. Kale accidentally fell while trekking on the last stretch of the Chordara ghat from a nearby cliff in a 50-100 feet deep valley and died. https://punemirror.com/pune/others/pune-52-year-old-trekker-died-at-malshej-ghat/cid1679385029.htm The police said Kale slipped while trekking at Ganpati ghat near MTDC resort. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/thane/trekker-dies-after-falling-200ft-in-valley-in-maharashtra/articleshow/98844846.cms?from=mdr He was part of a 15-member trekking team that was climbing Malshej Ghat from the MTDC resort side at the border of Pune and Thane districts. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nashik/nashik-trekkers-body-recovered/articleshow/98847129.cms Kiran Kale was well known trekker in Nashik. But grief is being expressed due to his death while trekking. https://india...