tourist without guide or proper trekking gear dies due to dense fog at Harishchandragad

 Harishchandragad Trekking : हरिश्चंद्र गडावर ट्रेकरचा मृत्यु; इतर ट्रेकर्स सुदैवाने बचावले

One of the trekkers in a group of six who went for trekking to Harichandra Gad from Pune area died due to bad weather on Wednesday morning. Happened on 2 The name of the dead trekkers is Anil alias Balu Geete (age-32, resident of Lohgaon, Pune).

he fell ill and died due to the thick fog, falling rain, bitter cold on the fort.

However, the group found themselves disoriented and stranded in the dense fog, grappling with plummeting temperatures.

After that, Balu Rengde  searched for them three times in this area, they came around and made a loud sound. The first time, after the fog subsided, Balu Rengde  saw one of them. Then supported them. After that, he contacted his friend Onkar Oak from his mobile phone and informed about the incident. And requested to send rescue team for help.

Meanwhile, a group from Mumbai who had come for trekking to Harichandra Fort in the same area lost their way and wandered in the wet area. As he was on his way back, he saw Hariom and others. He told the Mumbai group all the facts that had happened and requested them to send help.

Meanwhile, guide Balu Rengde was going to the temple on Harichandra Fort with trekkers from Pandharpur and Solapur. Later the Mumbai group saw it. He asked if you are a local and informed Balu Rengde about the trekkers of Pune. Balu, who had a good knowledge of the fort, realized in which area it was from the information he gave.

After that, Balu searched for them three times in this area, they came around and made a loud sound. The first time, after the fog subsided, Balu saw one of them. Then supported them. After that, he contacted his friend Omkar Oak from his mobile phone and informed about the incident. And requested to send rescue team for help.

After that, Balu came back to the temple, made poha for them and took the biscuits back to them. Balu's brother Maruti Ranhagade came with the rescue team. In this rescue team, a total of ten people including Otur Police Station Police Sub-Inspector Akash Shelke and other staff members, members of the Junnar Rescue Team and three villagers went to all the forts to search for them.

While near Tolarkhind, Balu came in contact with him. But after that, due to the rain, thick fog and falling darkness, the mobile network in the fort area became less and less, so they did not get in touch with the rescue team. However, Balu received a call on the phone saying that the rescue team was on the way back due to darkness and rain and that they would do a search operation tomorrow.

After that, Balu himself went in search of the rescue team. Because he was sure that even if all others went back, his brother Maruti would not go back. Then Balu saw the light of a battery in the darkness. He went to them. Then he met brother Maruti Rengde, Vijay Nadekar, Gaurav Memane, Sharad Bhangle, Mahadu Bhangre, Rajur forest department staff stationed at Tolarkhind. Taking them he went with the body to where the others were.

After that, the forest department and the police were contacted. You leave the dead body there and stay in a safe place. After saying this, he took all the other trekkers with him and went to the hotel of Ramnath Barku Bharmal in the temple area of Harishchandragarh where he arranged for their food and accommodation.

On Thursday morning, Rajur police station staff and a team of forest department staff came and took the body of Anil Geete down from Harichandra Gad to Rajur (T. Akole, Dist. Ahmednagar).

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, they proceeded to Tolarkhind, but then they lost their way and wandered in heavy rain and darkness. They spent Tuesday night together under the shelter of a tree and a mountain. Due to rain and cold, Geetha fell ill. At six in the morning, they found the road back and set off. But Geetha's health deteriorated and Geetha died at half past ten in the morning. After that, five other people kept looking at the road for help with the dead body. Then 14-year-old Hariom Vitthal Borude, who was with him, fell ill. Then two of them stopped with Geeta's body and the other two took Hariom with them and started walking around to help them and sat down in one place tired.

याला सर्वस्वी जबाबदार महाराष्ट्र शासन वन विभाग आहे , वनविभागवाले ट्रेकर्स कडून_ मावळ्यांकडून अव्वाच्या सव्वा प्रवेश फि मार्फत पावत्या फाडतात पण त्या फाडलेल्या पावत्या मधून जमा होणारा फंड हा स्वतःच्या उपजीविकेसाठी वापरतात काय हे माहीत नाही.?? कारण की भटक्यांची पंढरी म्हणल्या जाणाऱ्या हरिचंद्र गडाला, तारामती शिखर आणि कोकण कडेला असंख्य पर्यटक भेट देतात आणि आपण भ्रमंतीला आलेलो असल्यामुळे जास्त किमतीची पावती ही फाडावीच लागते पण या पावत्यातून जमा झालेल्या फंडाचा विनियोग जंगलामध्ये कुठेही खर्च केलेला दिसत नाही, कुठेही आपणास दिशादर्शक किंवा धोक्याचे फलक किंवा बाण, योग्य रस्त्याविषयी सूचना इत्यादी अनेक प्रकारची माहिती विषयक फलक आपणाला चालताना पहावयास मिळत नाही त्यामुळे ट्रेकर्स लोकांची हरिश्चंद्रगड ट्रेक करताना चुकामुक होते.आपण कितीही अनुभवी ट्रेकर्स असलो तरी हरिश्चंद्रगडाच्या जंगलामध्ये चुकतोच कारण की कोठेच आपणास दिशादर्शक फलक नाहीत. जो मृत्युमुखी पडलेला पर्यटक आहे याला सर्वस्वी हेच लोक जबाबदार आहेत. शासनाच्या गलथान कारभारामुळे किंवा तेथील स्थानिक पावत्या फाडणाऱ्या व्यवस्थेमुळे एक ट्रेकर्स आपल्या कुटुंबाला सोडून गेला  भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजली मित्रा[0]=AZWwCfVvXkyBEu8_QagS7dN14CGO1NGv7xjNyqGh0S-DTou6eIn62xHkP8Y1Pq0RbdOjIytxStZeeugGUgeXtJcDh2NmAO-Jts7tLQN3yaikqzX53vw26RT3LLHDSRQxdEVaxuOHT9X71QSc8_C8cdAxs11l2BIygHlzkpLQpxRXn6JxI0cUie_SCPgYFaCNqcl1zPya3vEbCri41xojJ8PY&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

Trekking and Local Guides - Waste of Money or Mainstay ??

Actually this is not the first incident. Many rescue / body recovery incidents seen, heard and happened till date have this kind of careless background. Harishchandragad is a gigantic fort by extension. There are many mountain ranges that share it. In addition, due to heavy fog (actually monsoon cloud but it is called fog in common parlance) and torrential rains, where even the local hoteliers think 10 times before going to the fort, the first time trek costs only 500-600 (Rs. 100 per head). Had an experienced villager accompanied him by adding rupees, this unfortunate incident could have been avoided. When I got a call for Balu Rengde's rescue on Tuesday, it was shocking that the person had died due to exposure to cold or ill health.

"Why do you need a guide" among the new trekkers, "If you take a guide, what is the thrill of the trek?" It is true that we do not remember the phrase "Let's go our own way...if we fail, we will look for the next one" in an emergency situation and here it is a pathetic situation. At least beginners and intermediates should start trekking keeping in mind that the local guide is not a burden on your pocket but your angel. Although it is bittersweet that in some villages people refuse to take a guide as the locals ask for half of the money, it is equally important that the villagers should keep their own charges as much as they charge the other person at the local level. Rather than giving importance to the geographical conditions, how long the journey to the place is, whether the trek is easy or difficult etc., we have come to this place for the first time and we don't have 10000% confidence...then even if we keep this principle in mind, take a guide is enough. Today, if there was an expert guide like Balu Rengde with this group, firstly, this time would not have come and secondly, even if something unfortunate happened, help would have been received quickly and we would not have had to spend the night in the cold in the torrential rain. This is the fourth rescue done by Balu in one or two months and all these four rescues were due to not taking a guide and missing the way while going through Khireshwar. "We came on our own without a guide" or "Oh we didn't take a guide...we were lost on the road for 3 took a hell of a lot of days but that's the thrill" is a real piece, shallow, full of overconfidence and Keep in mind that a phrase that glorifies life's crisis will not win you any presidential awards, but will only get you behind the scenes of your stupidity.

It is hoped that at least a proper lesson should be learned from this incident and a local effort should be made to permanently install direction boards on the entire route from Khireshwar to Gadmatha.

Omkar Oak

ट्रेकिंग आणि स्थानिक गाईड - पैशांचा अपव्यय की आधारस्तंभ ??

खरं तर ही पहिलीच घटना नाही. आजपर्यंत बघितलेल्या, ऐकलेल्या आणि घडलेल्या अनेक रेस्क्यू / बॉडी रिकव्हरी घटनांना अशाच प्रकारची निष्काळजी पार्श्वभूमी आहे. हरिश्चंद्रगड हा विस्ताराने अवाढव्य किल्ला. त्याला वाटा, विस्तारत गेलेल्या डोंगरसोंडा अनेक आहेत. त्यात सध्या गडावर प्रचंड प्रमाणात असणारं धुकं (खरं तर पावसाळी ढग पण त्याला सामान्य भाषेत धुकं म्हटलं जातं) आणि तुफान पाऊस ह्यांच्या तांडवामुळे जिथे स्थानिक हॉटेलवालेही गडावर जाताना 10 वेळा विचार करतात तिथे पहिल्याच वेळी जाताना ट्रेकच्या खर्चात फक्त 500-600 (पर हेड 100 रुपये) रुपयांची भर घालून एखादा अनुभवी गावकरी सोबत ठेवला असता तर ही दुर्दैवी घटना नक्कीच टळू शकली असती. मंगळवारी बाळू रेंगडेचा रेस्क्यू साठी मला कॉल आल्यावर थंडी वाजून किंवा तब्येत बिघडल्याने त्या व्यक्तीचा मृत्यू झाला ही घटनाच शॉक देणारी होती. 

ट्रेकिंगला जाणाऱ्या नवख्या लोकांमध्ये "कशाला हवाय गाईड " , "गाईड नेला तर ट्रेकमध्ये थ्रिल काय उरलं ??" "जाऊ आपले आपणच...चुकलो तर पुढचं पुढे बघून घेऊ" ही वाक्य आणीबाणीच्या प्रसंगात आठवत नाहीत हेच खरं आणि इथेच दयनीय अवस्था होते. स्थानिक गाईड हा तुमच्या खिशावर पडणारं ओझं नसून तुमचा देवदूत आहे हे पक्कं लक्षात ठेवूनच किमान नवख्या व मध्यम अनुभवी लोकांनी ट्रेकिंगच्या नादी लागावं. काही गावांमध्ये स्थानिकांनी अवाच्या सवा पैसे मागितल्याने लोक गाईड घ्यायला नकार घेतात ही जरी तितकीच कटू बाजू असली तरी स्थानिक पातळीवर सुद्धा गावकऱ्यांनी समोरच्या व्यक्तीला झेपेल इतकाच स्वतःच्या चार्जेसचा आकडा ठेवावा हे ही तितकंच महत्वाचं आहे. भौगोलिक परिस्थिती, त्या ठिकाणची वाट कितपत रुळलेली आहे, ट्रेक सोपा आहे का अवघड वगैरे गोष्टींना महत्व देण्यापेक्षा ह्या ठिकाणी आपण पहिल्यांदाच आलोय ना आणि आपल्याला 10000% कॉन्फिडन्स नाही ना...मग गाईड घ्या हे तत्व जरी मनात ठेवलं तरी पुरेसं आहे. आज जर ह्या ग्रूपबरोबर बाळू रेंगडेसारखा एखादा तज्ञ गाईड असता तर पहिलं म्हणजे ही वेळच आली नसती आणि दुसरं म्हणजे जरी दुर्दैवाने काही झालंच असतं तरी मदत पटकन मिळू शकली असती व तुफान पावसात थंडीत कुडकुडत रात्र काढावी लागली नसती. बाळूने ह्या एक दोन महिन्यातच केलेला हा चौथा रेस्क्यू आहे आणि हे चारही रेस्क्यू खिरेश्वरमार्गे जाताना गाईड न घेतल्याने व वाट चुकल्यामुळे झाले आहेत. "आम्ही गाईड न घेता आमचे आम्हीच आलो" किंवा "अरे आम्ही गाईड घेतला नव्हता....3 तास रस्ता भरकटत होतो...असले ल**डे लागले होते पण हेच तर थ्रिल आहे" असली टुकार, उथळ,अतिआत्मविश्वासाने ठासून भरलेली आणि जीवावरच्या संकटाचं उदात्तीकरण करणारी वाक्य तुम्हाला कोणताही राष्ट्रपती पुरस्कार मिळवून देणार नाहीत उलट तुमच्या मागे तुमच्या मूर्खपणाचे वाभाडेच काढले जातील हे ही लक्षात ठेवावं. 

ह्या घटनेवरून तरी किमान योग्य तो धडा घ्यावा आणि स्थानिक पातळीवर प्रयत्न करून खिरेश्वर ते गडमाथा ह्या संपूर्ण रूट वर दिशादर्शक बोर्ड कायमस्वरूपी बसवण्यात यावेत इतकीच अपेक्षा आहे.

ओंकार ओक

Due to the unfortunate incident at Harishchandragarh... Friends gather, plans are made, everyone takes time out of their busy schedule and then we decide on a day and go out for a journey. All this is best when traveling by choosing religious tourism, cool places, beaches, villages around the city etc. But, while choosing forts, hill ranges, roads, places away from settlements, one has to think completely differently, why doesn't anyone realize that?? There are many factors like remoteness, treacherous roads, unfamiliar structure, non-existent network in many places. An extensive discussion about all this has happened and will continue to happen here. But, if we are going to a remote place while going out, we should think differently. Whenever we go anywhere we all think about financial savings.. When we see how our money will be saved, the first thing that saves money is because "we will go". It is thought about how it is pointless to spend money and how all these people are robbed. Everything else comes ... Addictions have a place in this list of things that should not be carried even in remote areas ... But does it not come to anyone's attention that we put aside the importance of our safety and life in order not to spend on roads, institutions etc.?? Why do these people take money? Vatadiya is breaking your day for you... Professional organizations, organizers are trained, registered, they are responsible for your life and safety... In return, compare the profit they get with your safety... How much is this profit?? Much less than our life... hey, the amount govt gives to relatives for an accidental death is 2-5 lakh rupees. He is risking his entire life to save. How remote is the place we are going, what is the right path, where to turn back, when to leave, when to come... why only such a time? A certain way, a certain place, a certain way... For all these, the organizers and organizers have spent years... In front of that, the profit they get from you is nothing.. I am not saying that there will be no accidents with organizers and organizers. However, with them, this probability is less than 1 percent. That's why the organizers also have to choose..are they registered? Are you trained? Since when do you work? How many times have they been where we are going? How many people are going to accompany. Is there necessary safety equipment? There are many such things also...can be discussed in detail..but one request...think about how much you are playing with your own safety by saying go and do TTMM etc..because when such an accident happens, it affects the organizers who are not responsible the most. .. The organizers, who depend on this business, suffer huge losses due to the closure of many venues. (People who think this is their business will also come here to comment.. do it... But what is the need for organizers? This is an attempt to say that... the rest of the country is a democracy.. )[0]=AZU79RFVEH2r0Ojgq6Xz0eMhojKwdnnVZeflRGxUuMvnq0lbLRtJ71g2h9RrBPuD5sx3wJVhKKJ7bJ6QJWhz2d-OHK9pIEMCIQANvYJxvpQWb3FhvK4-kUzqLqLlDTfYJg4zPKXm52QDl2VO9KynLmD2AlYNJUU01skr6q_pzbDhqW-hC2AbQks2Rc27Kn0jaj8&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

हरिश्चंद्रगड इथे घडलेल्या दुर्दैवी घटनेनिमित्त...  मित्र जमतात, बेत ठरतो, सर्वजण आपापल्या व्यापातून वेळ काढतो आणि मग एक दिवस ठरवून आपण प्रवासासाठी बाहेर पडतो.  धार्मिक पर्यटन, थंड हवेची ठिकाणे, समुद्रकिनारे, शहराच्या आसपासची गावं इत्यादी जागा निवडून प्रवास करताना हे सर्व उत्तम असतं.  परंतु, गड दुर्ग, डोंगर रांगा, रस्ता, वस्तीपासून दूर असलेल्या जागा अश्या एखाद्या भटकंतीसाठी निवडताना पूर्णपणे वेगळा विचार करायचा असतो, हे कोणाच्याच का लक्षात येत नाही??  इथली दुर्गमता, इथल्या फसव्या वाटा, अगदी अनोळखी असणारी रचना, बऱ्याच ठिकाणी नसणारे नेटवर्क अश्या अनेक बाबी आहेत यात. या सर्वांबद्दल विस्तृत चर्चा इथे घडलेली आणि आणि घडत राहील. परंतु, आपण बाहेर पडताना जर दुर्गम जागी जाणार असू तर आपल्याला वेगळा विचार करायला हवा.  अगदी कुठेही जाताना आपण सर्वचजण आर्थिक बचत हा विचार करतो.. आपले पैसे कसे वाचतील हे पाहताना सर्वात आधी पैसे वाचवले जातात ते "आपलं आपण जाऊ" म्हणून.. नको वाटाड्या, नको कोणी आयोजक किंवा संयोजक, नको व्यावसायिक संस्था...  या सगळ्या गोष्टीत पैसे खर्च करणं हे कसं विनाकारण आहे आणि हे सर्वच लोक कसे लुटतात, हा विचार केला जातो.  बाकी सगळं येतं ... अगदी दुर्गम भागात ज्या गोष्टी घेऊन जाऊ नयेत अश्या व्यसनांना या यादीत स्थान असतं... परंतु, वाटाड्या, संस्था इत्यादींवर खर्च नको म्हणून आपण आपली सुरक्षितता आणि जीवाचे महत्त्वच बाजूला टाकलेले असते, हे कोणाच्याच ध्यानी येत नसावं का??  का घेतात पैसे हे लोक? वाटाड्या आपला दिवस मोडत असतो तुमच्यासाठी... व्यावसायिक संस्था, आयोजक हे प्रशिक्षित, नोंदणीकृत असतात, ते तुमच्या जीवाची, सुरक्षेची जबाबदारी घेत असतात... त्याच्या बदल्यात त्यांना होणारा नफा आपल्या सुरक्षेशी जोडून पाहा... किती असतो हा नफा?? आपल्या जिवापेक्षा तर खूपच कमी...  अहो, शासन एखाद्या अपघाती मृत्युसाठी नातेवाइकांना जी रक्कम देते ती असते २-५ लाख रुपये... ती रक्कम ध्यानी धरुन सांगा... ती सुद्धा आपल्या जीवासमोर खरं तर नगण्यच..  आणि आपण २००-५०० वाचवण्यासाठी संपूर्ण जीव धोक्यात घालतोय.  आपण जातोय ती जागा किती दुर्गम, योग्य वाटा कुठल्या, माघारी कुठं फिरायचे, कधी निघायचे, कधी यायचे... अमुक वेळच का? अमुक वाट, अमुक जागा, अमुक पद्धतीनेच का... या सर्वांसाठी वाटाडे, आयोजक यांची वर्षे गेलीत हो...  त्यासमोर तुमच्याकडून त्यांना मिळणारा नफा काहीच नसतो..  माझं म्हणणं असं अजिबात नाहीये की आयोजकांसोबत, वाटाड्या सोबत अपघात होणारच नाही. परंतु, त्यांच्या सोबत असताना ही शक्यता १ टक्क्यांहून कमी होते.  म्हणूनच आयोजक सुद्धा निवडून पहावे लागतात..त्यांची नोंदणी झाली आहे का? प्रशिक्षित आहेत का? कधीपासून काम करतात? आपण जिथे जातोय, तिथं ते किती वेळा गेले आहेत? सोबतीला किती जण येणार आहेत. आवश्यक सुरक्षा उपकरणे आहेत का? अश्या अनेक गोष्टी येतात त्यात सुद्धा ... त्यावर सविस्तर बोलता येईल..  परंतु, एक विनंती...  आपापले जाऊन TTMM करु वगैरे म्हणत स्वतःच्या सुरक्षेशी किती खेळायचे याचा विचार करा.. कारण, असे अपघात झाल्यावर त्याला जबाबदार नसलेल्या आयोजकांवर सर्वात जास्त परिणाम होतो.. अनेक ठिकाणं बंद झाल्यामुळे आयोजक, जे या व्यवसायावर अवलंबून आहेत, त्यांचे प्रचंड नुकसान होते.  (याला याच्या धंद्याचे पडले आहे असे वाटणारे लोकही इथं येतील कमेंट करायला.. करा... परंतु, आयोजकांची गरज काय? ते सांगण्याचा हा एक प्रयत्न... बाकी देशात लोकशाही आहेच.. )


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