Trekker Falls And Dies At Tailbaila 11.12.2022

Suggestions to improve outdoor rock climbing events in maharashtra

 Pune: Trekker Falls And Dies While Trekking At Tailbaila In Lonavala+

Somnath Shinde (26), currently residing in Katraj, and a native of Osmanabad.

Gaikwad said Shinde was the organiser of the rock-climbing event."His harness, helmet and even the rope he was using were not of good quality," Gaikwad said.,the%20gorge%20around%209.30am.

Somnath is not an amateur or a novice trekker, he has crossed many easy-difficult treks, climbing patches in Sahyadri before. He was well aware of the precautions to be taken while crossing the Sahyadri, and he himself made others take them from time to time. Well it was not his first time doing Tailbaila either..he himself has shown others this difficult fort through the Tailbaila climbing expedition..climbing is a risky field, care is in our hands, still sometimes the timing is wrong, this is the time. Had and we had lost climbers like Arun Sawant sir. Even today the time was missed, there was a technical issue and we all lost Somnath, the incident is very unfortunate, the entire family of Somnath and all Durg lovers are in pain. Even those who don't know anything about Somnath, don't know what exactly happened, it is more disturbing to see the posts related to it...

A 26-year-old trekker from Pune died on Sunday after falling nearly 200ft into a gorge during a rock-climbing event at the Tail Baila fort near Lonavla, about 95km from here.,the%20gorge%20around%209.30am.

A mountaineer was lost yesterday..! A twenty-five-year-old man takes such an exit from himself and when he hears the news of his departure, it is like pouring lead juice into his ears. This is a very disturbing incident. A mountaineer named Somnath Shinde was among the famous mountaineers. The only reason for writing this article is to take care of yourself while you wander through this Sahyadri. The expanse of this Sahyadri, this nature is immense. Consider all the possibilities when going through this. One mistake can cost you your precious life. Many of us are wandering around facing opposition at home. And everyone should take care so that society does not have a negative attitude towards vagrants due to such incidents. Check your safety yourself. Do not perform fatal stunts. Don't risk your life for photos on Facebook, Instagram. After every rain, the geographical environment of the fort used to change, the rocks there are becoming loose to some extent. So don't take anything for granted. Somnath Dada did not do stunts but it was his misfortune that the rope broke...! Understand the pain of those parents who were snatched by destiny. We go to the fort, sometimes the phones are switched off, sometimes there is no network, but if the parents do not hear our voice, their lives are not in danger. With the beautiful eyes we have got, we still have to see a lot of Sahyadri, the inventions of innumerable architects have to be accommodated in those eyes. All trekkers are requested to take care. The magnificence of this Sahyadri is beyond our reach. This friend of ours named Somnath got lost in eternity. This Durgveda who loved Sahyadri is finally resting in Sahyadri. My friend, many articles about your work are coming since yesterday, this is a real emotional tribute to you...! __ Pradeep Patil

पुण्यातील मुळशी तालुक्यातील तैलबैला गडावर ट्रेक करताना रोप तुटल्याने २०० फूट खाली कोसळून एका तरुणाचा दुर्दैवी मृत्यू झाला आहे. कात्रज येथे राहणारा २५ वर्षीय सोमनाथ बळीराम शिंदे असे मृत्यू झालेल्या तरुणाचे नाव आहे.आज, रविवारी सकाळी साडे नऊ वाजण्याच्या सुमारास ही घटना घडली आहे.

A young man has unfortunately died after falling down 200 feet after a tree broke while trekking to Tailbaila Fort in Mulshi Taluka of Pune. The name of the deceased is 25-year-old Somnath Baliram Shinde, a resident of Katraj. The incident took place around nine thirty in the morning on Sunday.

Somnath Shinde : The news of a trekker falling to his death while climbing the tailbaila peak in Mulshi taluk of Lonavala on Sunday came to light and grief spread among the trekking enthusiasts in Maharashtra. Somnath Baliram Shinde (25), originally from Osmanabad, unfortunately died during trekking. As soon as the news of Somnath's death came to light, Shiv lovers and mountaineers paid tribute to him by calling him 'Sahyadriputra'. Somnath Shinde died after falling from the Tailbai cliff. Somnath was an accomplished trekker. He was tying ropes for the other trekkers who had come to climb with him. At that time he lost his balance and fell into a 200 feet deep ravine. (Trekker Somnath Shinde falls down and dies while trekking at tailbaila in Lonavala)

Somnath came to Lonavala along with other friends for trekking. He was accompanied by six other trekkers. While climbing the cone early in the morning, Somnath slipped and fell into a deep ravine. In this he was seriously injured and died. Shivdurg rescue team recovered his body. His body was then brought to a nearby village. Somnath hails from Tuljapur taluka of Osmanabad district and has been living in Katraj area of Pune for some time.

According to local Poud police station officials, Somnath, along with a group of six trekkers from Pune-based Garudzep Trekking Group, had reached Tail Bull on Saturday evening itself and stayed at a nearby village for the night. His group started the climb around 5:30 am on Sunday morning. "Around 9.30 am, Somnath was fixing a trekking rope for others to climb when the rope broke and he fell 200 feet down into the valley," informed the police.

"As per our knowledge, Somnath was an accomplished mountaineer and had done several treks in the Sahyadri and other mountain ranges. We have started an investigation into the incident leading to the accident. Statements of his group members will be recorded," Paud police station officials said.


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