forest dept issues guidelines for firefly festival Anil Anjankar, Deputy Conservator of Forests (Bhandardara region) - May 21, 2019

To stop this nuisance,

1  we will be putting check posts on the roads leading towards these areas and at some parts in the jungle.

2 We are urging tourists not to carry loudspeakers, camera flashes and anything that can harm the fireflies.”

For the fireflies, the brighter they illuminate, the higher their chances of getting female attraction is. So, when a torch or flash light is on, they try to shine brighter and may end up losing their lives in the process, say experts.

Hence, the restriction on camera flashes and powerful torches.

3 “Primarily, tourists will be warned. But if they don’t adhere to the instruction and follow guidelines, they will be fined for causing disturbance to wildlife,” adds Anjankar.

Fireflies settle on the fruit-bearing trees of hirda, behda, jamun, umbar and mangoes. They can be spotted in areas like Ramhini, Rajmachi, Harishchandragad, Bhimashankar, Mahabaleshwar, Radhanagari, Pabe ghat, Ratangad, Bhandardara dam, Panshet, Sinhagad and more regions. The best time to catch the phenomenon is before the monsoon and just after the monsoon ends.

Among living creatures, the firefly is commonly an insect that symbolizes the fertility and balance of nature
(Botanical Garden Organization, 2003) because the life cycle of firefly is closely tied with the environment and
nature’s fertility. However, studies about the firefly are very rare in Thailand. This study, therefore, had put an
attempt and finally could categorize species of some families, namely Luciola circumdata, L. ovalis, L.
substriata, and L. aquatilis (Thancharoen et al., 2007) Pteroptyx mallaccae, Pyrocoelia analis, P. praetexta, P.
tonkinensis, P. grata, Pyrophanes indica. The fireflies produce and synchronize blinking lights at night that
signal to attract mates. Each species synchronize the light differently

Look at the ground for female fireflies. Females fly low and rest on the ground or on the grass. They wait for a male firefly whose flash pattern they find attractive, and they only flash back to signal they're interested in mating

Fireflies produce a chemical reaction inside their bodies that allows them to light up. This type of light production is called bioluminescence. ... When oxygen combines with calcium, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the chemical luciferin in the presence of luciferase, a bioluminescent enzyme, light is produced.

To see the fireflies you attract to your yard, dim your lights at dusk and turn them off at bedtime. "Keep your yard as ecological as possible," Salvatore says. First, avoid using pesticides or lawn chemicals on your grass because they may harm the larvae, as well as the slugs, snails, and worms they eat.

Turn off your exterior lights at night
If you keep lights on outside your house and in your garden or yard at night, you may be unknowingly contributing to the decline in firefly populations in your area. Luckily, it isn’t difficult to be part of the solution instead. All you need to do is turn off exterior lights in the evenings when fireflies are active. This may help firefly populations increase in your area.

1. There need to be realization in nature system before bringing firefly  watching tours and tourists into communities.

2. SAO and Tourism Authority of Thailand are required to have proactive plans to provide tourists knowledge about firefly life cycle
and appropriate tour patterns.

3. SAO should take action to build awareness in natural resource and  environment conservation in community people.

4. Youth power should be promoted to strengthen awareness in  conservation of local nature and resources.
5. Local firefly clubs/groups should be established for regulating the  firefly watching tour along with rules and regulations acceptable to all.
6. Funds should be established for conservation and restoration of firefly colonies. The fund should have activities such as providing
information boards for tourists and locating buoys to prevent boats 
from getting close to fireflies.
7. There should be forums on firefly watching tour to share knowledge  among academics, interested public and concerned people in
communities and to lay down work plans and activities.

8. Campaigns and public relations works should be highlighted for  conceptual changes in tourists, from popular tour to eco-friendly one
that involves them in conservation and restoration activities.

9. Local communities should be participated in the management rather than giving the same to some groups of people.

10. There should be a website for networking and sharing information about sustainable firefly watching tour.

11. Measures and regulations on land sales, investment and tourist number should be set according to the capacity of areas for tourism.

12. SAO/local leaders/local tour companies should monitor changes, physically and biologically, on a constant basis for appropriate
direction and patterns of firefly watching tour.

The flooding of light altered mate location behavior of Lampyris noctiluca males by avoiding seeking females in the lighted background areas where the female glows were less attractive
 As in the results of the current study, the tested fireflies in the experiment could prove that the temporary receiving of camera illumination did not cause firefly deaths

Recent studies have shown that broad spectrum white lighting negatively impacts firefly flash frequency (flashes/min) and/or the total number of flashing individuals present
observed significant decreases in the average number of flashing Photinus sp1 individuals encountered in brightly lit conditions (1.5–4.45 lux). 
 Free-roaming A. ficta in the lab continue to emit courtship signals when exposed to small points of light, regardless of the intensity or distance of the point source from their eyes, although they appear to exhibit some degree of negative phototaxis (pers. obs.). However, A. ficta respond to high levels of short wavelength diffused light by decreasing the frequency of their flash signals, and eventually ceasing them altogether.


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