Harihar mishap

A college youth from Sandip Foundation was badly injured when he and his friend slipped from the upper most scree of vetala cha kada of Harihar fort on Sunday.

Pretending to be trekker Durgesh and his friends visited Harihar fort on Sunday...
They were posting images all the way while ascending this very challenging fort...

They had no formal trekk or sports shoes...and had no basic trekking knowledge...

They continued to take images in their phone camera and update status on FB and W'app...they felt relaxed after climbing down the famous stairs, but that proved costly as a boy slipped from the scree...he was about to fall into the deep valley...somehow he caught hold of rocks...grass and finally his colleagues pants, in an effort he skidded on his left side...his ear and head got badly bruised...
After returning to nashik he was admitted to a private hospital...doctor operated his ear drum...they say it might take atleast three months to recover...till then he will not be able to hear to sounds, him partially impaired...

The group had started visiting forts and trekking destinations just recently without any knowledge of trekking and mountain safety...in all it was a lucky escape for the group...

[very basic information received as of 28.12.2018]


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