safety thought - rohit vartak july 2018

Tikona Fort.. no noo.. not now.. I have done this trek 5 years back. Now I dont want to take high risk or to go on treks, especially on weekends bucause according to numbers more people are dying in trekking than in extreme adventure sports.
Almost on every weekend someone is dying somewhere. We rescue teams just wait for the call of rescue. Either we search them live or recover theirs dead bodies. It has became routine for us.
Everyone has to think on it. "Outdoor" companies ( inexperienced ) are more responsible for it, even villagers and government athorities have to put some control measures on some trekking spots where more people are dying.
And ultimately its everyone's responsability to be safe and keep others safe.
#saveforts #fortstory #maharashtra_desha #durg_naad #maharashtraforts #trek
#maharashtra_ig #travelsafe
#sad #truth


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